Logical adult games

Screenshot of the erotic Sea Battle

Screenshot of the logic Sea Battle

The game SEA BATTLE version 2.0.51

Provide fire support to the allied fleet by controlling the drone.

Submarine fleets, hidden sea surface, mixed in a grand battle. Warring governments have used this cunning maneuver to clarify the relationship, without attracting attention outside world. However, competing superpowers did not miss the opportunity to quietly stand up for their proteges.

Arrived to the battle drones bombed the water area, trying to hit the enemy submarines and do not damage the friend subs.

After the explosion of a shell, drone sonar aimed at this sector, catches the echo of submarines in neighboring sectors, and outputs the information to the operator. During the battle conar works in one of the following modes:

  • Mode «Foe» - keeps track of the number of enemy subs in adjacent sectors.
  • Mode «Friend» - keeps track of the number of your subs in adjacent sectors.
  • Mode «All» - keeps track of the number of subs in adjacent sectors.

The winner is the one who first destroy the enemy's fleet.