Logical adult games

Screenshot of the erotic Deactivator

Screenshot of the adult Deactivator

The game DEACTIVATOR version 2.2.51

Restore safety of objects, having blocked and having destroyed all prouns.

Numerous rooms of a research complex were filled by prouns as a result of unsuccessful experiments. These mobile clots of an astable substance attacked come nearer people fatal power impacts and have soon forced all personnel to search for shelters in haste. Last hope for rescue there are robots.

The robot gets on deactivated object through an automatic gate. In case of need it is possible to enter additional robots from a reserve, but to operate it is possible only one of them, others will be switched-off. The robot is automatically switched-off at absence of action. In this condition the deactivator does not draw a lightning of prouns and can block their moving.

The proun - a power substance. During movement the proun accumulates a significant stock of energy which is used on maintenance of its astable basis. If the proun is completely charged, surplus of energy in the form of powerful lightnings can attack the nearest objects. If the proun will stop to move, he will quickly lose the saved charge. Its astable basis detonates and will destroy the nearest objects. The green aura signals about a low level of energy, such clot is not dangerous. Red color signals about an overabundance of a charge is a threat of immediate attack. Yellow color is a transitive phase.

The dester - a experimental mechanism. The dester always searches for a case will get rid of the received energy. In a usual condition the dester is inert and motionless, but in case of charge it becomes the dangerous destroyer. The mechanism will move in searches of the object while energy to not turn to destruction. To destroy one dester accessible means it is impossible. The one way to get rid of them is to push off pair among themselves.