Logical adult games

Screenshot of the erotic Cheskers

Screenshot of the adult Cheskers

The logic game CHESKERS version 2.4.51

A fascinating hybrid game of checkers and chess.

Cheskers was invented in the middle of last century by Professor Solomon Golomb.

All pieces move only through the dark fields of the chessboard.

Checker move as pieces in checkers: they move, without taking, one square diagonally forward, but take by jumping two squares diagonally over an enemy piece to an empty square, thereby removing the enemy piece. When a pawn reaches the last row of the board its move is ended, and the pawn can promote to king, bishop or camel.

Bishop moves and takes exactly as in normal chess. The bishop takes by moving to the square on which the enemy piece is located. Capturing is not mandatory.

Camel has a kind of extended knights move: it goes one diagonal and two straight. With this move, he can jump over other pieces, (like a knight jumps), but the camel takes by moving to the square on which the enemy piece is located. Capturing is not mandatory.

King moves as a promoted checkers piece: this is the same type of move as a pawn in this game, but now the king can move and take also diagonally backwards. Capturing of one or more pieces is mandatory.

The player that captures all opponents kings wins the game. А player that cant move loses the party.